
Conscientious blog - redesigned

Jorg M. Colberg's blog Conscientious, which is one of the most well trafficked and consistently updated with original content has been dramatically updated. I really like the new look. Its like going from a amateur to a professional. Great job on the information architecture as well. The blog is now divided into two main sections: Conscientious, for the average and smaller thoughts and posts and Conscientious Extended , for longer form blog posts. So, go now kick in the tires and get some art photography reading on.

Props go out to the site designer and developer, Tim Gasperak.

Crisis of Credit

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

I have been meaning to post this all weekend but Horses Think who I quoted in my last post, beat me to it. Either way this is a great piece of art coming out when we need it most. Which works hard to make something which is so confusing and huge into something people can begin to understand.

Apparently the inspiration for the designer, Jonathan Jarvis for his video and Crisis of Credit website was the reporting which grew out of NPR's This American Life and the new NPR podcast Planet Money. I have been religiously glued to those podcasts for some time and I comment them for putting is clear english what been happening to the economy.

TED TALKS, James Howard Kunstler

Anyone who is interested in city design should find this TED talk by James Howard Kunstler quite interesting. James Howard Kunstler is is the author of several noted books on the built enviorment including a book I own "The Geography of Nowhere."

The talk runs for about 20 minutes and not only was it interesting but I was laughing out loud in my photo studio. just view the video below or click on this direct link to the talk.