
Thank you Dan Deacon...

One of the things that got me through this tough last semester is the new Dan Deacon Album, Bromst. I Discovered the album had come out through a post on Art Fag City. There is something really inspiring about the new album and when I was feeling down about the was my work was progressing as school listening to this album while walking around the hustle and bustle of New York really put me back on track.

Here is a cool video of Dan producing the new album:


If you don't already know about Dan Deacon here are a few key videos to get to know him:

The first is a great interview and show performance video from XLR8R TV which might be first how I learned about him:

and then there is this gem:

Dan Deacon is well know for his mad interactive shows. Creating a hybrid between performance art and interactive music and summer camp. I have been dying to see this action in person. I wonder how it compares to a de la guarda show where not only is the fourth wall of the proscenium theater is broken but everyone simultaneously becomes a part of the performance.

Sadly, Deacon played in New York recently but the performance was the same day as my graduation. Hopefully, he will post some new dates soon. NY area?

Not much help at the (quote) A really bad, formerly good, Dan Deacon Web Page.

Naturally, I just noticed that Wham City the art collective Dan Deacon is involved with puts on an annual festival, Whartscape and Deacon is apart and playing this year. The festival takes place this coming weekend, July 10-12 and oh course its too late for me to make plans and go. I guess I'll be going to this next year and make do with last years Cool Hunting Video.